Then we went off to my house to take care of our family tradition of making and sending candy to all of my Uncles and my Aunt. This is something that my Grandma, Pearl Farnsworth, started doing long ago. When all of her children moved away, she would send them a little peace of home all covered in carmel or soft and creamy like her boston creme. When my Grandma past away 6 years ago, my Mom and us girls started were she left off.
I was smart enough to ask my Grandma to teach me how to make boston creme before she got to sick and had to leave her home of many decades to live with my Aunt Nancy. Most of our family doesn't know how or doesn't have the time to make this very unique candy. So it is my pleasure to do this. Divinity on the other hand is a pain in my you know where. I hate trying to make this stuff. I don't know how many bowls of goo I have thrown in my trash over the years. This year it has been 2. But then comes Melissa. She has found a recipe that worked this year!!!! It wasn't as stiff as it should have been, but it worked.
Popcorn balls were next. Some call this child labor. We call it traditions being passed on. It starts with popcorn being popped. Not in the good old microwave, but by an air popper. Carmel is a cookin' on the stove. Then hurry to the table to pour the carmel on the popcorn and make to balls.
Whew. Thought we were done, but then comes the wrapping. I couldn't keep up with the cutting of the plastic with all of these little eager hands.
BECKY!!! You've join the world of blogging. Your kids are SO big and just as cute as ever. Miss you. How are you guys?
Ericka is Coley's bestest friend! He loves her... but he doesn't have a crush on her, you know! hahah.. Love the traditions. You're amazing!.
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