Monday, March 9, 2009


As we follow guidance to be self sufficient, Our ward preparedness specialist, Michelle, has encouraged us to get our gardens rolling! She breaks it down to a daily assignment for heavens sake, how much easier can it be? So being the valiant person that I am, along with my good friend Becky, went down to the local Home Depot, in her minivan, with our shopping list of garden supplies. We started out with just a regular shopping cart for each of us. Then ended up with one of those flat carts. (the ones you can load up with enough stuff to put in a truck.) We start to stack all of our supplies including manure, 9 bags of the stuff!! As we stand in line unable to maneuver anywhere but strait forward, a man comes by with his regular cart and tries to squeeze by our massive load and Becky says "Hope you can get by because we can't move our stink ship". Now say that out load and think what words sounds like ship. My dear friend turns to me and says something to the effect that she realized that what she said didn't sound like what she wanted to get across. We laughed at ourselves as we push this massive stinky ship across the parking lot to the minivan that awaited us.

As Becky opens the back, a man that worked at the store came walking by and asked if we needed help. We being the humble people that we are, said sure. As the man watched Becky and I cover the back of her minivan with plastic, to protect it from falling yuckiness, he asked us if we knew that we were getting this much stuff? We replied, we just came with a shopping list and didn't realize that it was going to be so big. So we load up all of our stuff and head off to unload.

I am sure that we were a sight to anyone who could see, hear or smell us coming. We were laughing so hard. Our heads out the window and her van looking like we had hydraulics and the back bumper scratching the ground.

Note to self, bring a truck when you are going to go to Home Depot for manure and garden supplies.


HaHa said...

Sounds like a great adventure! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

Suz said...

Oh ya baby!!! Loving the rps (rolling pile of stink) still reeks of garden mulch and steer poopers.... Although, I finally got that gosh aweful taste out of my mouth! Seriously, that was a fun home depot experience... then again, anything with you is pretty darn fun!
I'm coming over to help with your garden....

Lindsay Shreeve said...

Hahaha you two are so funny!!
