Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Break

My little people have really enjoyed this break. I don't think I have heard "I'm bored" more than a couple of times. It has been great! I have allowed them to venture out to the neighborhood with other children that are so excited to be on spring break too. I am hoping that they are not reeking to much havoc. But today we went to the movies to see Bedtime Stories. This was a very kid friendly movie that my children enjoyed. You just never know really what PG means. I love that I was able to entertain all 5 of my children for 2 hrs. for less than $15.00 including popcorn. Love it!!!
Then as we arrived home, as if on que, the neighborhood children are just driving into our driveway to see if my kids can play. So within 30 seconds they are off. Then the big question, "Can you come and watch us swim in Sister Kemptons pool?" As I was walking to her house I realized that 4 families were represented in this bunch of kids, but I was the only parent that was roped in, sounds fishy. When they were cold enough and got out, I reminded them, as they ran like cockroaches when the lights turn on, "Remember, I am the coolest Mom ever!"


Jo Dee said...

you are the coolest Mom cause I told them no!

Barbie said...

You are way cooler than me.

Katie said...

You are so cool! I wasn't home so I didn't even have a chance to show my coolness, but I have to be honest, I would have said no too! Thanks for watching my kids along with yours and everyone else's!
